Confederation Park Club

24 Pearson Place

Phone: 306-384-4500


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Confederation Park Club programs are open for school aged children every afternoon Monday - Friday from 3:45 - 5:30 pm. Programs are free!! 

The Confederation Park Club Program is designed to serve the children and youth who live in the communities surrounding our Club, which is located in a portable classroom adjacent to Bishop Roborecki School. The goal of the Club program is to engage children and youth in positive activities and to develop relationships with them. The programs are recreational based and are designed for children ages 5 to 14 years old. Our programs run after school and in the early evening during the school year. Our program is open to all kids who want to participate.

This program tends to be fairly traditional in nature and closely follows our Core Values. Having a safe place to be where the kids are exposed to new opportunities and positive adult role models is very important in the development of children & youth. We offer skill development programs & BGC Canada National programs. Over the years, this program has evolved into an informal leadership club, where throughout all aspects of programming the participants have a say in the design of the program and many opportunities to plan and run programs for themselves. Occasionally a special guest will come to the Club to engage the kids with topics such as culture or music. Bishop Roborecki School is instrumental in providing space for our programs, such as the gym once per week and of course, the portable classroom which houses the majority of our programs. 

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